Black Beauty

106.50 €
Описанная на титульном листе первого издания как "автобиография ее лошади, переведенная с оригинала ", "Черный Красавец" стала единственной книгой Анны Сьюэлл, написанной, когда писательница была смертельно больна, но полна решимости запечатлеть свое искреннее возмущение бесчувственным поведением людей по отношению к животным. Книга полюбилась детям с момента ее первой публикации в 1877 году, всего за несколько месяцев до смерти ее автора, заявленной целью которой было "вызвать доброту, сочувствие и понимающее отношение к лошадям". Иллюстрации Люси Кемп-Уэлч впервые появились в 1915 году.
Книга на английском языке.
Described on the title-page of the first edition as 'the autobiography of her horse, translated from the original equine', Black Beauty was Anna Sewell's only book, written when she fatally ill but determined to record her passopnate indignation at the insensitive behaviour of people towards animals. It has been loved by children ever since its first publication in 1877, just a few months before the death of its author, whose declared aim had been to 'induce kindness, sympathy and an understanding treatment of horses'. The illustrations by Lucy Kemp-Welch first apperared in 1915.
Книга на английском языке.
Described on the title-page of the first edition as 'the autobiography of her horse, translated from the original equine', Black Beauty was Anna Sewell's only book, written when she fatally ill but determined to record her passopnate indignation at the insensitive behaviour of people towards animals. It has been loved by children ever since its first publication in 1877, just a few months before the death of its author, whose declared aim had been to 'induce kindness, sympathy and an understanding treatment of horses'. The illustrations by Lucy Kemp-Welch first apperared in 1915.