His Dark Materials. Northern Lights. The Subtle Knife. The Amber Spyglass

94.27 €
В своей отмеченной наградами фэнтезийной трилогии "Темные материалы" Филип Пуллман создает богато детализированный и чудесно воображаемый мир. "Северное сияние" знакомит с Лирой, сиротой, которая живет в параллельной вселенной, в которой вплетены наука, теология и магия. Поиски похищенной подруги раскрывают зловещий заговор, связанный с похищенными детьми, и превращаются в попытку понять таинственное явление под названием Пыль. В "Тонком ноже" к ней присоединяется Уилл, мальчик, у которого есть нож, способный прорезать окна между мирами. Когда Лира узнает правду о своих родителях и предсказанной судьбе, двое молодых людей оказываются втянутыми в войну против небесных сил, которая охватывает многие миры и приводит к захватывающему завершению в "Янтарной подзорной трубе". Эпическая история, рассказанная Пулманом, - это не только захватывающее приключение с участием белых медведей в доспехах, магических устройств, ведьм и демонов.
Книга на английском языке.
In his award-winning fantasy trilogy, His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman invents a richly detailed and marvellously imagined world that is complex and thought-provoking enough to enthral readers of all ages. Northern Lights introduces Lyra, an orphan, who lives in a parallel universe in which science, theology and magic are entwined. Lyra's search for a kidnapped friend uncovers a sinister plot involving stolen children and turns into a quest to understand a mysterious phenomenon called Dust. In The Subtle Knife she is joined on her journey by Will, a boy who possesses a knife that can cut windows between worlds. As Lyra learns the truth about her parents and her prophesied destiny, the two young people are caught up in a war against celestial powers that ranges across many worlds and leads to a thrilling conclusion in The Amber Spyglass. The epic story Pullman tells is not only a spellbinding adventure featuring armoured polar bears, magical devices, witches and d?mons, it is also an audacious and profound re-imagining of Milton's Paradise Lost. An utterly entrancing blend of metaphysical speculation and bravura storytelling, His Dark Materials is a monumental and enduring achievement.
Книга на английском языке.
In his award-winning fantasy trilogy, His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman invents a richly detailed and marvellously imagined world that is complex and thought-provoking enough to enthral readers of all ages. Northern Lights introduces Lyra, an orphan, who lives in a parallel universe in which science, theology and magic are entwined. Lyra's search for a kidnapped friend uncovers a sinister plot involving stolen children and turns into a quest to understand a mysterious phenomenon called Dust. In The Subtle Knife she is joined on her journey by Will, a boy who possesses a knife that can cut windows between worlds. As Lyra learns the truth about her parents and her prophesied destiny, the two young people are caught up in a war against celestial powers that ranges across many worlds and leads to a thrilling conclusion in The Amber Spyglass. The epic story Pullman tells is not only a spellbinding adventure featuring armoured polar bears, magical devices, witches and d?mons, it is also an audacious and profound re-imagining of Milton's Paradise Lost. An utterly entrancing blend of metaphysical speculation and bravura storytelling, His Dark Materials is a monumental and enduring achievement.
11.88 €
Collected Tales 4
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