Избранные произведения для скрипки и фортепиано. Ноты
34.69 €
Имя Генрика Венявского (1835-1880) известно каждому скрипачу. Один из самых ярких виртуозов своего времени, Венявский производил на слушателей неизгладимое впечатление красотой звука, блестящей техникой, артистизмом. Венявский писал музыку только для скрипки и создал около 40 опусов. Его сочинения входят в репертуар почти всех скрипачей, привлекая своей свежестью и эффектностью. В издание вошли самые популярные произведения для скрипки и фортепиано, среди которых — «Легенда» соч. 17, 2 характерные мазурки соч. 9, фантазия на русские темы «Воспоминания о Москве» соч. 6.
Сборник адресован ученикам старших классов ДМШ, студентам музыкальных училищ и вузов, профессиональным исполнителям.
The name of Henryk Wieniawski (1835–1880) is known to every violinist. One of the brightest virtuosos of his time, Wieniawski made a deep impression on the audience with the beauty of a sound, brilliant technique, and artistic expression. Wieniawski wrote music for violin only and created about 40 opuses. His works are in the repertoire of almost all violinists, who are attracted by the pieces’ fresh and bright features. The edition includes the most popular works for violin and piano, among which "Legend" op. 17, 2 characteristic mazurkas op. 19, Fantasy on Russian Airs “Souvenir de Moscou” op. 6.
The collection is addressed to senoir grades pupils of children’s music schools, students of music colleges and universities, performing musicians.
Сборник адресован ученикам старших классов ДМШ, студентам музыкальных училищ и вузов, профессиональным исполнителям.
The name of Henryk Wieniawski (1835–1880) is known to every violinist. One of the brightest virtuosos of his time, Wieniawski made a deep impression on the audience with the beauty of a sound, brilliant technique, and artistic expression. Wieniawski wrote music for violin only and created about 40 opuses. His works are in the repertoire of almost all violinists, who are attracted by the pieces’ fresh and bright features. The edition includes the most popular works for violin and piano, among which "Legend" op. 17, 2 characteristic mazurkas op. 19, Fantasy on Russian Airs “Souvenir de Moscou” op. 6.
The collection is addressed to senoir grades pupils of children’s music schools, students of music colleges and universities, performing musicians.