
Practical Jewellery-Making Techniques

Practical Jewellery-Making Techniques
  • 28.35

  • Срок доставки: до 03.06.2024
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  • Доставка "Practical Jewellery-Making Techniques" по всему миру: США, Германия, Польша, Израиль, Англия и др.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)
  • Язык: английский
  • Страна изготовления: IN
  • Страниц: 144
  • Переплет: Мягкая обложка
  • EAN: 9781789940213
The ultimate guide to core jewellery-making techniques, packed with unique (and money-saving) tips.

This book gives you an overview of core jewellery-making techniques and helps you to achieve the same results as traditional methods with easier and cheaper alternative solutions.

Each chapter is packed with unique ideas on how you can make tasks simpler, quicker or less expensive, and produce beautiful pieces. There are instructions for adapting and making your own problem-solving tools and jigs from everyday items, and tips on identifying potential pitfalls in a project and avoiding costly mistakes.

Practical and in a step-by-step format, this book includes over 50 fully illustrated projects and detailed explanations of tools and working techniques.