The Diary of a Young Girl Book + CD. Level 4

72.64 €
немцы вторглись в Голландию. 1942 год. Весь еврейский народ боится за свою жизнь, поэтому семья Франк скрывается. Жизнь опасна, но они надеются на лучшее – пока их не обнаружили. Анна Франк была реальным человеком, и это ее дневник.
Пересказ Черри Гилкрист.
яык издания: Английский
It is 1942 in Holland and the Germans have invaded. All Jewish people are frightened for their lives, so the Frank family hide. Life is dangerous but they hope for the best – until they are finally discovered. Anne Frank was a real person, and this is her diary.
Retold by Cherry Gilchrist.
Пересказ Черри Гилкрист.
яык издания: Английский
It is 1942 in Holland and the Germans have invaded. All Jewish people are frightened for their lives, so the Frank family hide. Life is dangerous but they hope for the best – until they are finally discovered. Anne Frank was a real person, and this is her diary.
Retold by Cherry Gilchrist.