
The Human Kind

The Human Kind
  • 11.33

  • Срок доставки: до 03.06.2024
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  • Служба доставки DPD
  • Доставка "The Human Kind" по всему миру: США, Германия, Польша, Израиль, Англия и др.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)
  • Язык: английский
  • Страна изготовления: GB
  • Страниц: 352
  • Переплет: Мягкая обложка
  • EAN: 9781472943941
Everyone gets to be a patient sooner or later. Almost everyone has some experience of being misunderstood by doctors; encounters with difficult doctors; of relationships burdened with mutual bafflement, hostility and pain.

Every doctor is haunted by memories of difficult relationships with patients, of the decisions made, and the outcomes that followed. People whom, despite all of their patience, persistence, the best communication, diagnostic and reasoning skills, they haven"t helped. People for whose unique suffering it seems medicine has nothing to offer.

Dr. Peter Dorward explores the many ethical dilemmas that GPs must face every day, to explain why it is that despite vast resources, time, skill and dedication, medicine is so often destined to fail. His recollections include his worst failures and biggest challenges, ranging from the everyday, the tragic, the grotesque, the villainous and the humorous. The Human Kind presents a fresh understanding of the difficult relationship between doctor and patient, and the challenges which both must face.