The Midnight Line

25.43 €
Ли Чайлд - самый популярный в мире автор в жанре "крутого" детектива. "Граница ночи" - его очередной роман о Джеке Ричере.
Судьба Джека Ричера часто делала самые крутые повороты в силу самых незначительных причин. Вот и теперь ему лишь стоило от нечего делать зайти в лавку старьевщика в маленьком глухом городке. Там он случайно заметил маленькое кольцо с гравировкой "Вест-Пойнт, 2005". Будучи сам выпускником Военной академии, Ричер не мог пройти мимо. Кольцо явно женского размера. А раз оно попало к старьевщику, значит, с этой женщиной что-то не в порядке. Продала ли она его из крайней нужды? Или ее уже нет в живых? Ричер накрепко усвоил закон военного братства: "Мы своих не бросаем"…
Книга на английском языке.
Jack Reacher takes an aimless stroll past a pawn shop in a small Midwestern town. In the window he sees a West Point class ring from 2005. It's tiny. It's a woman cadet's graduation present to herself. Why would she give it up? Reacher's a West Pointer too, and he knows what she went through to get it.
Reacher tracks the ring back to i...
Jack Reacher takes an aimless stroll past a pawn shop in a small Midwestern town. In the window he sees a West Point class ring from 2005. It's tiny. It's a woman cadet's graduation present to herself. Why would she give it up? Reacher's a West Pointer too, and he knows what she went through to get it.
Reacher tracks the ring back to its owner, step by step, down a criminal trail leading west. Like Big Foot come out of the forest, he arrives in the deserted wilds of Wyoming. All he wants is to find the woman. If she's OK, he'll walk away. If she's not ... he'll stop at nothing.
He's still shaken by the recent horrors of Make Me, and now The Midnight Line sees him set on a raw and elemental quest for simple justice. Best advice: don't get in his way.
Судьба Джека Ричера часто делала самые крутые повороты в силу самых незначительных причин. Вот и теперь ему лишь стоило от нечего делать зайти в лавку старьевщика в маленьком глухом городке. Там он случайно заметил маленькое кольцо с гравировкой "Вест-Пойнт, 2005". Будучи сам выпускником Военной академии, Ричер не мог пройти мимо. Кольцо явно женского размера. А раз оно попало к старьевщику, значит, с этой женщиной что-то не в порядке. Продала ли она его из крайней нужды? Или ее уже нет в живых? Ричер накрепко усвоил закон военного братства: "Мы своих не бросаем"…
Книга на английском языке.
Jack Reacher takes an aimless stroll past a pawn shop in a small Midwestern town. In the window he sees a West Point class ring from 2005. It's tiny. It's a woman cadet's graduation present to herself. Why would she give it up? Reacher's a West Pointer too, and he knows what she went through to get it.
Reacher tracks the ring back to i...
Jack Reacher takes an aimless stroll past a pawn shop in a small Midwestern town. In the window he sees a West Point class ring from 2005. It's tiny. It's a woman cadet's graduation present to herself. Why would she give it up? Reacher's a West Pointer too, and he knows what she went through to get it.
Reacher tracks the ring back to its owner, step by step, down a criminal trail leading west. Like Big Foot come out of the forest, he arrives in the deserted wilds of Wyoming. All he wants is to find the woman. If she's OK, he'll walk away. If she's not ... he'll stop at nothing.
He's still shaken by the recent horrors of Make Me, and now The Midnight Line sees him set on a raw and elemental quest for simple justice. Best advice: don't get in his way.
23.51 €