The Prince

23.13 €
Написанный в 1513 году для Медичи, после их возвращения к власти во Флоренции, "Государь" представляет собой руководство по правлению и осуществлению власти. Сегодня этот труд остается столь же актуальным, как и в шестнадцатом веке. Широко цитируемый в прессе и научных публикациях, "Государь" имеет непосредственное отношение к вопросам бизнеса и корпоративного управления, с которыми сталкиваются глобальные корпорации на пороге нового тысячелетия. Многое из того, что написал Макиавелли, стало общепринятым в реальной политике, но его идеи по-прежнему сохраняют способность шокировать и раздражать.
Книга на английском языке.
Written in 1513 for the Medici, following their return to power in Florence, The Prince is a handbook on ruling and the exercise of power. It remains as relevant today as it was in the sixteenth century. Widely quoted in the Press and in academic publications, The Prince has direct relevance to the issues of business and corporate governance confronting global corporations as they enter a new millennium. Much of what Machiavelli wrote has become the common currency of realpolitik, yet still his ideas retain the power to shock and annoy. In the words of Norman Stone, The Prince is 'a manual of man-management that would suit a great many parts of the modern world'.
Книга на английском языке.
Written in 1513 for the Medici, following their return to power in Florence, The Prince is a handbook on ruling and the exercise of power. It remains as relevant today as it was in the sixteenth century. Widely quoted in the Press and in academic publications, The Prince has direct relevance to the issues of business and corporate governance confronting global corporations as they enter a new millennium. Much of what Machiavelli wrote has become the common currency of realpolitik, yet still his ideas retain the power to shock and annoy. In the words of Norman Stone, The Prince is 'a manual of man-management that would suit a great many parts of the modern world'.