The Prophet

40.28 €
Прежде чем вернуться на родину, народ Орфалеса обращается к Альмустафе, "пророку", за советом. Его слова, наполненные любовью и пониманием, призывают к всеобщему единству и подтверждают уверенность Джебрана в взаимосвязанной природе всего сущего и в перевоплощении.
Книга на английском языке.
The Prophet represents the acme of Kahlil Gibran's achievement. Writing in English, Gibran adopted the tone and cadence of King James I's Bible, fusing his personalised Christian philosophy with a spirit and oriental wisdom that derives from the richly mixed influences of his native Lebanon. His language has a breath-taking beauty.
Before returning to his birthplace, Almustafa, the 'prophet', is asked for guidance by the people of Orphalese. His words, redolent with love and understanding, call for universal unity, and affirm Gibran's certainty of the correlated nature of all existence, and of reincarnation.
The Prophet has never lost its immediate appeal and has become a ubiquitous touchstone of spiritual literature.
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