The White Giraffe

59.38 €
There are secrets about Sawubona (the reserve) just waiting to be revealed, and rumours too about a fabled white giraffe - a trophy for hunters everywhere. One night Martine, lonely and feeling slightly rebellious too, looks out of her window and see a young albino giraffe - silver, tinged with cinnamon in the moonlight. This is the beginning of her mysterious and magical adventures - her discovery of her gift of healing and a secret valley that she travels to with the giraffe, where she'll find clues about her past and future. Above all it's is a heart-warming story, full of charm and atmosphere, and Martine's sheer delight in her giraffe friend and the fantastic landscape which is theirs to explore.
69.53 €
A Little Princess
9.62 €
Секреты космоса
28.40 €
Мой первый год
8.25 €
Поросячья этика
6.98 €
Физика. Шпаргалка
35.47 €
Книга про счастье
8.05 €
Дорога на рассвет
71.84 €