Troll (PB) Ned

59.38 €
Троллю очень хочется отведать козлятины, но под его мостом проплывает только рыба. Скукотища! Тем временем Хэнк Чиф и его пиратская команда просто обожают рыбу, но без подходящего рецепта им никак не удается приготовить ее вкусно. Вот бы они могли найти свои зарытые сокровища и нанять корабельного повара…Но, похоже, они приплыли не на тот остров. Снова.
«Тролль» – это веселое пиратское приключение от Джулии Дональдсон и Дэвида Робертса.
Книга на английском языке.
A laugh-out-loud pirate adventure from the stellar picture-book partnership of Julia Donaldson and David Roberts. The Troll longs for a juicy goat to eat - but he's stuck with boring old fish for supper. Bother! Meanwhile, Hank Chief and his pirate crew love fish, but without a decent recipe their slimy, soggy dinner is even worse. If only they could find their buried treasure and pay for a ship's cook... but it seems they've sailed to the wrong island. Again. Watch the fun unfold as two very different worlds collide in The Troll, a gloriously comic story from Julia Donaldson and David Roberts, the creators of the highly acclaimed Tyrannosaurus Drip. Enjoy the other stories by Julia Donaldson and David Roberts: Tyrannosaurus Drip, Jack and the Flumflum Tree, The Flying Bath and The Cook and the King.
«Тролль» – это веселое пиратское приключение от Джулии Дональдсон и Дэвида Робертса.
Книга на английском языке.
A laugh-out-loud pirate adventure from the stellar picture-book partnership of Julia Donaldson and David Roberts. The Troll longs for a juicy goat to eat - but he's stuck with boring old fish for supper. Bother! Meanwhile, Hank Chief and his pirate crew love fish, but without a decent recipe their slimy, soggy dinner is even worse. If only they could find their buried treasure and pay for a ship's cook... but it seems they've sailed to the wrong island. Again. Watch the fun unfold as two very different worlds collide in The Troll, a gloriously comic story from Julia Donaldson and David Roberts, the creators of the highly acclaimed Tyrannosaurus Drip. Enjoy the other stories by Julia Donaldson and David Roberts: Tyrannosaurus Drip, Jack and the Flumflum Tree, The Flying Bath and The Cook and the King.
27.24 €
Ветер в ивах
20.84 €